Wednesday 2 November 2011

Cows Expressions - High Resolution Wallpapers and Photos on the street

This white cow was getting ready for a hundred meter run when i was getting ready to go to Milk Dairy.
White Cow Ready To Run a Hundred Meter - A high Resolution Wallpaper

Suddenly I saw this big Horn Black and white Cow grazing a Grass. I wondered whether it is cow day today.
Grazing Cow Picture, she is happy with her breakfast.

While This ugly looking cow seemed happy with her eatables, This mad black cow decided to have a self challenged running competition with my bike.

Mad Black cow on the street competing with me

On serious note, cows are beautiful domestic Pets. they give us milk whic is very nutritious. Infact you will be surprised that every part and everything related to cow is very useful to all the living beings. This includes cow dung. That is why cows are treated as mothers in india. They call them 'Gaya Mata", the mother cow.

We all know if we take a glass full of cow milk, it is a complete food full of nutritions. The cow milk includes the sun element which is not visible by any microscope, but if meditated upon after drinking cow milk, it can directly connect us to sun God. This is according to hindu mythology.

In hindus when a person dies he is told to hold a cow's tail in hand, as it is considered as a direct connecting device to the heaven and universe. Unfortunately not much work is done by westeners on Magical divine cow and as such all the secrets are not yet out as far as cow is concerned. The hindu Rishis or 'Scientific SAINTS' to explain in english, did a tremendous work in this regard. Infact whole  5 generations atleast researched and documented the research work on cow, some 10000 years ago in India, but due to lack of archiving facilities and proper preservation, the whole cow epic was destroyed. Yet, some work that was saved somehow by luck is out there for all of us to benefited from.

Believe you me cow is a Divine animal. In India they call the cow as 'KAMDHENU", Dhenu means cow and 'KAM' means desire in this case, That is Kamdhenu is the Cow that fulfills all the desires and bestows one who worship her with name, fame and success in every walk of life. Worship cow, start protecting cow from now on, Learn to take proper care of cows. This world will be saved , if the Cow is saved. nothing is more important than Cow To this world. It doesn't matter what is the Color of the Cow, what matter is Healthy , happy and laughing cows  for the happy world.

Feel Free to save these Cow Pictures and High resolution wallpapers, A cow can change your life in mysterious ways. Happy Cow Day.

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