Saturday 31 August 2013

daddy bought me a new computer

One of those moments when you feel really happy and excited your life. In 2002 I joined a computer course. I passed the competitive exam for MCA(Master in Computer Application) and got admission in one of the universities in India. I always loved computers and to become a successful programmer was always my big dream.

computer on my study-table

In the first semester of my college, I couldn't get the facility of computer lab. The new building of institute was still under-construction and computer lab was scheduled to be the last structure that will bring up. The exams were coming up and we hadn't done a single practical exercise on the computer. We were learning C plus plus language at that time.  I was very worried as I wanted to be the top ranker.

One day I called all my classmates in an assembly hall. I picked up the mike and started speaking that we should go and talk to head of computer department about the no practical sessions of computer programming. To my surprise none of the other students seemed interested. The said that there is no point arguing with the head as it will take time for lab to built. Most of them were also worried that if the head got angry he might give lesser marks in internal exams. Students also said that they have a computer at home and they practice on it.

That day i felt alone. I was the only one who didn't had the computer. It was an expensive thing for my family to afford. Already I knew that my father has availed education loan to pay the fee of MCA degree. I was not in a position to put more financial burden on him by asking for a new computer.

It was a Saturday evening. Clouds were in the sky. I was in a sad mood. There was an exam scheduled on coming Monday. I knew that I will face a tough exam. I had no practical knowledge, unlike other who already purchased the digital machine. Then, almost like a magic, a knock on the door. I opened the door and saw my father holding in his hand the new computer. It was HCL beanstalk model. How he knew that I wanted it badly. It always happen. The life has a habit of surprising us. The computer is same as you see in picture above.

It is the same computer using which I am writing this article. I also have a new laptop of Compaq, but the first desktop computer is close to my heart. I have developed so many software applications on my computer and now a proud and successful computer programmer. Thank you daddy!

Wednesday 28 August 2013

My yummy birthday cake when my life turned 33

This is surely going to be one of the very best moments of my life. I turned 33 years old and after a long time we all celebrated the birthday. This birthday is special because it was celebrated at the home of my grandmother. She lives at a far away place, in a small village. There is a cement factory where my aunt and uncle works. I call her 'nani' and she call me 'bittu' with love.

Here is my birthday cake. Have a look at this yummy cake.

birthday cake
birthday cake in high resolution
I particularly enjoyed the cherries and cream flowers that are nicely made by the confectioner. I would say it is a well decorated cake. He also gave us a knife and candles for free.

My 'badimummy' an alternate name for nani or grandmother in India always loved me so much. She always bless me and pray for my great future. She is the oldest in our family. Her life is full of experiences which she shares with us and help our family to take right decisions at right time.

Now I am going to tell you what happened when we were ready to cut the cake. First of all the electricity went off. It always happen. My mother tells me that when I was born, there was a huge thunderstorm and the power went off that day as well. Then we forget to bring the new packet of matchstick box. So we didn't had the fire to light the candles. Luckily my uncle has the habit of smoking cigarette, which is injurious to health, but helped us to get lighter with which we lit the candles and every one sang " Happy B'day to you, " I was pretty happy and then followed a beautiful night. It surely is one moment in my life which I will always remember.